DATEABILITY Coaching Programs

The DATEABILITY Romantic Intelligence 101 Group Program

Have a look at the RQ101 Program Guide here.


8 Weekly Foundational Modules on the new DATEABILITY APP!

8 Weekly Small Group Coaching sessions with Jess & The DATEABILITY Team

Dating & Relationship Coaching Schedule 

Stage 1: Preparation

Stage 2: Implementation

✅  Full and COMPLETE access to the **new DATEABILITY APP** so that you will have Jess in your pocket, speaking to you and encouraging you as YOUR PERSONAL DATING COACH when you are tempted to give up on the greatest desire of your heart!

👉 This follows the 8-week Romantic Intelligence 101 Program, which is a unique system to achieve this exact MINDSET and SKILLSET. 

Together as a tight-knit group of women we will go through the 8-foundations DATEABILITY have been guiding and coaching our clients through for the past 7 years.

Over 8 consecutive weeks as you’ll work through the 8 modules at your own pace before coming to each group coaching session!

The 3 pillars of these 8-foundations are: 

  • (1) Growth & Emotional Freedom

  • (2) Feminine Energy

  • (3) Your Unique Fast Lane Dating Strategy

The 8 Foundations of Romantic Intelligence are:

  1. The Love Readiness Mindset - Reprogramming your mind using your reticular activating system to attract what you DO want, not what you don't want. We teach you that sometimes it's not about willpower, but being guided through a process that clears out deeply embedded and unproductive limiting beliefs.

  2. Experience Emotional Freedom - We guide you through a process to feel the full spectrum of your emotions. This is foundational to feminine energy, which is what will inspire the masculine to pursue you, chase you, and make you his wife.

  3. Set Strong Boundaries - With this newfound clarity on the things you want, and how they make you feel, it will become super obvious of how to let in the best opportunities in terms of life and romance.

  4. Radiate Feminine Magnetism - Specific exercises on unveiling your God-given feminine energy to discover your power as a woman. Dramatic transformations have taken place in these sessions!

  5. Strengthen Identity Capital - Fall in love with your life, then take a step back to reflect on this and learn how to best represent YOU to quality suitors. Learn to automatically filter out the men who are not for you.

  6. Attract Secure Attachment - Learn your attachment style and become keenly aware of emotional maturity in friends, colleagues and the men you date. We attract what we are!

  7. Apply Romantic Intelligence - Now with these foundations in tow, you are ready to dive into the enjoyable stuff of powerful dating mindsets that make dating easy and fun.

Creating Volume & Abundance - So many women think it is about access to quality suitors, when singles with Romantic Intelligence know how to create a HIGH volume of men to meet effortlessly. We will guide you step by step in how to increase your 'social capita' and navigate dating as your own best coach long after your DATEABILITY program is finished!

If you are SERIOUS about getting the commitment from the love of your life in the next 6-12 months

We are releasing a SPECIAL OFFER:

  • The RQ101 self-paced course (9 hours of content) - You will gain powerful tools, concepts, and strategies. Everything that helped me go from being ignored to getting asked out by 17 quality men in just 12 months.

  • Live Small-Group Coaching Sessions (7 x 90 mins) - Work directly with me. You will get personalised guidance and support from me ($1997 AUD value altogether).

  • Flirting Workshop (2 hours) - Unlock your inner SASS, PLAYFULNESS, MAGNETISM. This is the KEY to create abundant romantic opportunities for yourself. Regardless of your age and experience, this workshop will CHANGE your dating life ($250 AUD value)

  • Personalised Dating Roadmap (90 mins) - Customised ROADMAP tailored to your specific situation. The exact steps YOU need to take to attract a healthy, masculine man ($350 AUD value)

  • 12-month RQ101 Alumni Women’s Circle - Ongoing support and inspiration while you date men! You will receive guidance from me and the DATEABILITY Team. And be inspired by SUCCESS STORIES of other Christian women on the same journey as you! ($997 AUD value)

Total Value: $3499 AUD (!) All for only $2197 AUD. 

Book a 15min call with Jess to see if this is right for you - click here.

Access the Romantic Intelligence 101 Registration form - click here.

The DATEABILITY Healing From Heartbreak Session

How we heal heartbreak:

  1. Emotion Inventory - We take you through a guided process to feel all your emotions that you can use many months after the session on your own, leading you to experience a freedom you never thought possible.

  2. Inner Child Work - As children we may have learned to bypass painful emotions to make life easier for a parent. This leads to unhelpful self-talk into adulthood. We teach you to speak to ‘younger you’ in this vulnerable state.

  3. Reframe Heartbreak - We start the structured process of deep breathing techniques and meditative questioning to help you see the memory from a brand new perspective.

  4. Inner Healing Intervention - You will access the part of you that is an intensely powerful healer. We future pace you to vision cast your life with a completely healed and whole heart.

Healing From Heartbreak 90 min session.

Click here to learn more.

The DATEABILITY Alumni Women’s Circle

After completing the RQ101 “foundations” course, most people who complete coaching with DATEABILITY end up on an emotional rollercoaster ride where they would benefit from the camaraderie of likeminded women going through the exact same thing.

Not only this, but small pockets of support and access to your Dating Coach loooong after the formal program is over.

We are pleased to report that after 18-24 months, a bit over half of our alumni clients find themselves in long term healthy relationships, engaged or married to their PERSON. Hooray!

However - it’s in navigating this season of dating and early relationship and the marriage itself - after learning all the required Romantic Intelligence “tools” where much of the heartache and pain could have been prevented, had we surrounded ourselves with the right support and sisterhood!

Enter - The DATEABILITY Alumni Women’s Circle!

This exclusive group offers:

  • Once-a-month group coaching with DATEABILITY Founder & CEO Jessica Santosa Carlton, and other Dating, Relationships, Mindset & Human Behaviour Coaches in the space, answering any and all questions from sorting through prospective suitors to successfully navigating your first year of marriage. (Coach guest list coming soon!)

  • You are invited into a closed and private FB group to post your questions, vent your frustrations, and signal for specific support about anything and everything to do with your dating world. Some examples from our community:

    • What is everyone doing to expand their pools to meet new suitors?

    • I avoided a conversation with the guy I’m dating out of fear it wouldn’t go down well. Did I do the right thing?

    • My ex-boyfriend texted me and I’m wondering if I should give him another chance…

    • Help! I need to practice flirting. I think I’m too much in my hunter energy.

    • Does anyone want to come with me to wingwoman at this event I’m going to next week?

    • I’m still struggling with feelings of unworthiness, despite the fact that men are asking me out on dates. What’s wrong with me?

  • Continued access to the DATEABILITY App, updates and new course samples, including e-books and educational videos.

Price: 12-month subscription just $79/month or one-off saver option of $897/annually (save $51!)

JOIN HERE to receive all the support you will need as you go on dates, deal with the emotional roller coaster of sorting through compatible AND incompatible suitors, and hold onto hope that you can co-create a soul-nourishing, healthy relationship that turns into a life-giving forever marriage!

NB: Before considering Alumni Women’s Circle please ensure you have successfully graduated from the Romantic Intelligence 101 Group Coaching Program first!

The DATEABILITY Transformation & Breakthrough Program

This immersive 6-session private coaching program is for you if:

You are frustrated that you are reaching a certain age and haven't had much success in dating.

You are ready to make a serious investment into your future happiness because the pain of the unknown is too much to bear.

You are committed to the process of changing your mindset on love, romantic relationships and taking action. Read our testimonials page to learn about our former clients and their transformations.

You are ready to make a change in your world and need the right Coach to hold the space for you through the entire process.

You need accountability to meet the goals produced by the desires of your heart, utilising DATEABILITY’s proven frameworks for relational and romantic success.

What’s Included in the Coaching Program?

Session 1 - Personal History

  • We uncover the exact problems - what you describe them as vs what they really are unconsciously.

  • We uncover internal conflicts and confusions

  • We pinpoint exactly what you want instead building on what we outlined today.

  • We explore some of your personal history to discover the root cause of the problems you are currently facing, your relationship with your Mother and Father.

  • The main issues will be discussed and an outcome for your sessions will be typed out and agreed to by both of us.

Session 2 - We clear Limiting Decisions

We find these from your personal history. Some examples as from what we discussed today:

  • "I choose the wrong relationships"

  • "I get anxious whenever I get into a romantic relationship,”

  • "It is bad to be rich or wealthy."

  • "I am alone in the world."

  • "I keep attracting the wrong people"

  • "I need to do xyz in order to be loved"

  • “I am not good enough/smart enough/I am not enough.”

Session 3 - We clear Negative Emotions

We clear the umbrella (ie. the broader) emotions first"

  • anger

  • sadness

  • fear

  • guilt

We look at any related emotions that haven't cleared and are an issue depending on what is most relevant to you:

  • rage, outbursts, frustration, annoyance

  • grief, depression, feeling blue or low

  • anxiety, worry or stress

  • martyrdom, control.

Session 4 - We clear Internal Conflicts & Confusions

Sometimes people can't make up their mind about something because part of them wants one thing and part of them wants something else. 

We will go through a structured process that resolves this inner conflict called "Parts Integration".

Session 5 - Goal Setting

Now that we have cleared these major blockages, we go through a goal setting process that engage all the power of your unconscious mind and propel you toward success. 

We set goals that are inspiring and practical to YOU, both short term and long term. 

In your Love Readiness Assessment I will ask you what it COULD look/feel like to have overcome your challenges.

Session 6 - We clear Stress & Anxiety OR Accountability Session on your Action Plan

We may need to clear stress and anxiety first before you feel prepared to take action on your goals. Anxiety is simply a future paced fear. Stress is the term many people use for not getting something done within a perceived time frame or feeling not good enough to get it done. 


Depending on how we are tracking, you may be ready to go! 

You may want to start taking clear, concrete action on the goals we set in Session 5. This Session 6 can be for keeping you accountable for what actions you took, what resulted from those actions and navigating any new emotions that may have arisen. 

Book a 1-hour Love Readiness Assessment with Jess to see if this is right for you.

Are you ready?

Book your FREE 1-hour Love Readiness Assessment

Don’t leave your love life to chance, take control of your dating and relationships with DATEABILITY. Join many other happy clients and find the one for you.